Have Your Cake and Eat It

One slightly green, undersized banana.
One “Soft ‘n' Delicious” granola bar.
One shopping basket designed to hold more.
The two familiar items rattling around freely like space debris in a contained universe.
The same banana, the same granola bar. 
It’s what you do. It’s who you are. You are what you eat.
A grown up snack for the workday. Potassium and whatever the hell granola does.
He really wanted the chocolate cream cake.
From the bakery.
Moist, rich, forbidden, indulgent, passionate, morale boosting, liberating, pornographic, intoxicating, smoldering, threatening, soul-enhancing, fence jumping, rule destroying, self-satisfying, up yours chocolate cream cake.
The birthday boy, the debutante, the groom. The great day, celebratory chocolate cake.
“Just the banana and bar for you today Sir…?”

A moment’s hesitation.

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